What is Executive Dysfunction ADHD? Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
ADHD is a debilitating affliction that has a tendency to branch out as a derived mental condition such as the one called Executive dysfunction ADHD. If you are wondering if you are suffering from executive dysfunction ADHD symptoms then you have come to the right place. What is Executive Dysfunction ADHD? Executive dysfunction ADHD is commonly confused as a chronic mental condition and one of the subtypes of the mental
Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder: Everything About It
Different types of bipolar disorder exist and you are probably wondering which is the one that has that is the one which afflicts you. If you have been experiencing four or more episodes of mania, hypomania, or depressive episodes in any 12-month period then you are probably suffering from the one called rapid cycling bipolar disorder. We’ll tell you all about it but before we do that, let’s give you
Understanding High-functioning Anxiety: Signs, Challenges, and Coping Strategies
Many people around the world struggle with anxiety, a mental health condition that causes constant worry, nervousness, and irritability. Some people with anxiety can’t do everyday things, while others seem to function normally. High-functioning anxiety is a type of anxiety where people appear to have an everyday life on the outside, but inside, they experience a lot of worry and stress. This blog post explains what is high functioning anxiety,
Can Dehydration Cause Anxiety? Understanding The Connection Between Water And Mental Health
We often consider staying hydrated important for physical health, like keeping our skin healthy and preventing muscle fatigue. But did you know that dehydration can also affect your mental health? Studies have shown that not drinking enough water can lead to anxiety. Moreover, less water intake can lead to various mental health illnesses such as bipolar disorder and depression. In this blog post, we’ve explained how not drinking enough water
Understanding How Depression Can Cause ADHD-like Symptoms- An Informative Guide
Every time someone mentions ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and depression, it feels like two different things. ADHD is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. At the same time, people suffering from depression easily get irritated, lack energy, and have a loss of interest in activities that were earlier of interest to them. However, many researches show that there is a lot of shared between these two mental health conditions.
Depression And Eating Disorders: Understanding The Link And Finding Help
Depression and eating disorders often go hand-in-hand. People with one condition are more likely to develop the other. For example, someone with depression might overeat to feel better about themselves or undereat to feel more in control. Similarly, someone with an eating disorder might develop depression due to the stress and physical demands of the condition. This article will discuss the connection between depression and eating disorders, can depression cause
Understanding Postpartum OCD: Why Should We Really Be Talking About It
OCD has many subtypes and none of these are more enigmatic than the one called postpartum OCD. As the name suggests, postpartum OCD symptoms are more related to childbirth and the worries and obsessions associated with it. In the words below, we are going to talk about the symptoms and the ailment itself, so we can give the information you need to find treatment for it and take preventative measures,
Overcoming Harm OCD: Signs, Treatment and Recovery
We all have violent thoughts from time to time, and we all go a little mad sometimes but that is not always as it might just be an intrusive thought. These intrusive thoughts are part of the obsessions that make you participate in ritualistic and repetitive behavior called compulsions. When obsessions and compulsions center on experiencing or deliberately or carelessly causing harm, it’s called “harm OCD.” If you think you
Stages Of Change In Addiction: A Journey To Recovery
Recovery from drug addiction is a tough journey. It takes many steps and a lot of time. The Stages of Change model can help people who are struggling with addiction, as well as their families and caregivers. This model breaks down the process of recovery into different stages, making it easier for people to understand and achieve their goals of getting sober. However, in this blog, we will thoroughly explain
Chances of Getting Disability for Bipolar Disorder? Understanding the Complexities.
Bipolar disorder, a mental health condition that is characterized by extreme mood swings between manic highs and depressive lows, affects millions worldwide. Mood swings vary in intensity and duration, in the process disrupting everyday life. The way it affects executive functioning can be extremely debilitating for the sufferer, especially in terms of work and school or social relationships. For that, certain resources are needed and we can help you get